Chen: It was quite serendipitous for a friend of one of our agents to stumble upon the secret base-lab of Dr. Steve. How unfortunate you don't recall its location. Mr. Killum? Use the "Truth Brick" on Gwynn. (Killum is carrying a brick labeled "TRUTH") -- Torg: *Leave her alone! I'll tell you everything I remember!* You have me in a next-century force-field cage and you're relying on last century-interrogation practices? Beating up a tied-up woman with a brick? You should be ashamed of yourselves! -- Chen (standing next to a spherical item labeled "Happy Fun Bot"): Our torture-bot's not working right. Stupid H-C freelancers. But if you want me to get fancy, how about pharmaceuticals? -- Killum (as Chen injects Gwynn): *CHEN! HA-HA! OH, MAN!* That was *TRUTH SERUM!* You were supposed to give that to /*HIM!*/ Gwynn: /*OW!*/ -- Chen: **HEEEHAAHeee haw haw!** I don't know what I'm doing! Gwynn: And that's the *truth!* Torg: **HEE-HEE!** Great, now I got the **heeee** giggles again!
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