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Torg: He was too fast and we were too mellow. Look, it's apparent that there's some kind of mental and emotional influence going on around here. Sign by the room that they're exiting from: Küche -- Torg: There's an 'it' out there and it wants us mad and outside. Marco's losing the battle. We're next unless we can figure this out and find the artifact. Gwynn: That's a scary thought. Not being able to trust your own judgment. -- Torg: Well let's keep the rage to a minimum, and above everything else, *stay inside.* If for any reason I get the urge to head outside feel free to restrain me. Gwynn: Maybe I should punch you in the head until I knock you out *now* while I can still trust myself to make the right choice. -- Torg: That's not the right choice! Gwynn (smiling): That's /always/ the right choice! Torg: This is serious, Gwynn. We're not going to survive this unless we're smart about our actions. -- Torg: So let's split up to find the magic death-dealing artifact! -- (They split up and walk away in opposite directions....) === NOTE: In case you were wondering there were _two camping-style lanterns_ <> established in the kitchen. | Flag | ||||
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-- Torg: According to Ghost Bill, Captain Botanical was supposed to be a ten foot tall dude with a flower-head! Gwynn: Maybe they use the metric system around here? Maybe it's been growing for 50 years? -- Gwynn: Anywho, this is the part of the plan where you cut off its head with the sword, right? I should mention we forgot the step stool. -- Battle Plan: Once "Deflowered", the Captain's scourge and magic protection will end, allowing Gwynn to send it back to the pit (see Stage 5). So... STAGE 4: KA-CHOP! (Drawing of Torg cutting off the head of the flower-demon) Flower-Demon: DRAT! <KA-CHOP> Torg: Huzzah! Caption: IT'S THAT EASY! Label: Step Stool -- Gwynn & Torg: ****RUN AWAY!**** === NOTE: Ref: _Ghost Bill's account of Captain Botanical's height_ <>. | Flag | ||||
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THE PLAN STAGE 3: FIND CAPTAIN BOTANICAL (Drawing of a giant animated flower) Label #1: Magic-proof aura Label #2: 10 ft Tall Label #3: flower head Label #4: Heart of a scardi-cat-chicken Scardi-cat-chicken heart: Bok! Label #5: HIDING BEHIND A BUSH OR SOMETHING Footer: NOT TOO FAR FROM HIS RAGE-HUSKS!* (*THEORETICALLY sp?) -- Gwynn: This flower demon is smart enough to keep itself hidden and let its army kill and grow. I wasn't sure we could /*ever*/ find him! Torg: But now we've got an insider. Marco is leading us right to him. (Gwynn is pushing the wheelbarrow, and both Torg and Marco are riding in it; Marco is pointing forward with his smoldering tentacles) <***WOOOSH!!!***> -- Gwynn: Hey! (*)ouf(*) you guys are getting heavy! And the magic boots aren't working! Torg: We're in his magic-proof aura! He's *right here!* -- Gwynn: We're not sure how wide the aura is, but we should be able to see him! Torg: Not many places for a 10 foot tall dude with a flower for a head to hide! -- (As what appears to be a giant stump falls from the sky, Marco/Rage-Husk quickly throws Gwynn and Torg out of the way) <**DUBBA-SHOVE!**> -- (The stump turns out to be the knee and foot of a giant tree/flower (about old redwood-size), and it crushes the wheelbarrow, with Marco still in it) <****THOOM!****> | Flag | ||||
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Riff: Schlock was trying to bargain a deal with me and he offered to tell me how to "pull the plug" on the artificial intelligence. | In the alternate dimension where I was trapped in "4U City", the city was run by an A.I. linked with a human in a hardwired chamber. I literally just had to pull the plug on it. -- Riff: And assuming this A.I. is along a parallel research line as the 4U City one... <***KLAK!***> (A human connection chamber opens up...) Riff: *Yep!* /Human-interaction chamber!/ -- Gwynn (concerned): So you plug yourself into all of that and you can work with the A.I., to release the airlock and let the ships leave? -- Riff (on the floor removing a cover): Too early in the development stage to attempt it. Might fry your brain. But... -- Riff: /*Tada!*/ Hard wire! -- Riff (pulling the plug): Easiest "saving our asses" /*evarrr!*/ <DOMP!> -- (The A.I. eye icon on the viewscreen) -- (The A.I. eye icon fading from the viewscreen) <**bip.**> -- Gwynn: Great! With the A.I. down, you guys can go home. I'm staying on the station. Riff: /*WHAT?*? -- Isabella Abato (aka: Izzy; from the viewscreen): /**[KSSSHHHT...]** ...all going to die if you don't get off that station *now!*/ -- Gwynn: I am totally not staying on this station. === NOTE: The following refs involve *MAJOR 4U City spoilers.* You should go read it, if you haven't, before following links. *The Complete 4U City:* _758449_ <> | _A 4U City Christmas_ <> | _4U City Green_ <> | _4U City Blue_ <> | _4U City Red_ <>. *This Comic's 4U related Ref Links:* "_Pull the plug_ <>" | _The Chamber_ <> | _The Chamber is Hardwired_ <> | _A.I. in the Chamber_ <> | _Plug Pulled_ <>. *And Regular Ol' Ref: _Izzy last seen_ <> | _Gwynn Staying_ <>. | Flag | ||||
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-- Gwynn: But I don't even know how to turn this thing on. -- Computer: "TURN THIS THING ON!" VOICE COMMAND ACCEPTED. TURNING ON. Gwynn (whipping around as the door slams shut behind her): Whu..? <***SLAM!***> -- <***FSSSSOOSH!***> -- Gwynn: *Wow!* I... I feel so... so clean! Instant all-over water-jets! That was /perfect!/ | The clothes-on experience makes it a little soggy but *this is so cool!* -- Computer: "COOL!" VOICE COMMAND ACCEPTED. ADJUSTING TEMPERATURE. <***FSSSSOOSH!***> Gwynn: **GYAAAAAH!** | Flag | ||||
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Aylee (narrating): It's been nice living with Zoë and Gwynn. They're really helping me adapt to my new form. Making me feel like... Just like one of the girls. (The panel shows a roof shot of the mall with a partial cut of the "Welcome to Baude Bill Bear Mall" (extrapolation on my part) sign) -- (The panel shows the three girls in the mall -- in front of "Blondie's Department Store") Gwynn: Check out the butt on *that* guy! Zoë: Oh come on, Gwynn! We're here to get Aylee some new clothes for the party this weekend, not gawk at guys! Aylee: No-no. I agree with Gwynn! That guy's butt looks like it would poop really efficiently! Very attractive in a mate! </Pause flashback> -- Aylee (looking despondent): It appears I still have a long way to go. Torg: Man, I /*wish*/ women were only into bathroom efficiency. Kiki: I just pooped. | Flag | ||||
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Zoë: *Riff!* Have you seen outside? -- (Gwynn, Riff, and the Pizza Yum! lady are descending the stairs) Riff: Tough to miss! We've got Sam trapped in the attic! He was feeding on Gwynn and... uh... Donna: Donna. Riff: Donna. Zoë: *Gwynn, are you OK?* Gwynn: I've been better! -- (Riff gives Kiki to Zoë) Zoë: *Sam is here?* And the landlord turned into some kind of monster-ghost! Riff: Kiki said Torg's in trouble; we've got to find him. -- Zoë: Torg's not in any /real/ danger, right? I thought the ghosts just scared people! I didn't... I wouldn't have... Riff: It's like everything's gone crazy all at once! We can get answers once we're sure Torg is safe. If they used him in that ritual that caused the sky to... (Torg approaches, speaking with intensity) Torg: /I think I can explain, Riff./ -- Torg: /I was wrong. This house is not a ghost trap! *It is an elevator to hell* with ghosts in the gas tank./ -- Riff: Elevators don't use gas tanks. Torg: Right... bad analogy. -- Torg: How about... *It's an inverted toaster popping the bread of us on to the "two eggs up, and a side of bacon" plate of hell!* -- (Torg makes a scary gesture and ratchets up the intensity) Torg: /*WITH GHOSTS IN THE GAS TANK!*/ Riff: Well, we know Torg's not possessed. That's Torg all right! -- Torg: I /sure/ am. (Creepser joins them; Riff recoils in terror) Creepser: Maybe /I/ should explain. Riff: *EYYYAH! CREEPY OLD GUY GOT CREEPIER!* | Flag | ||||
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-- (Oasis shields herself from the flying twigs hurled by Gwynn, countering with her own torrent of shurikens and other sharp throwing knives) -- Kenny/K'Z'K (narrating): It was a surprise that Oasis lasted as long as she did. (Gwynn stops all the thrown objects with a force-field) -- Kenny/K'Z'K (narrating): It was like her battle with Riff's robot. Oasis was unable to get through Gwynn's defenses, so was left with nothing but to dodge the attacks and look for a way out. (Oasis somersaults through more flying twigs) -- Kenny/K'Z'K (narrating): But she zigged when she should have zagged. (Oasis in silhouette is pierced through the chest with a stick) -- Donkey Torg: She's... she's not a robot? | Flag | ||||
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Gwynn: We'll see, Bug! Someone's coming! - Writing surrounding panel #1: Top: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Right: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Bottom: WAPWAPDREAMSWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- Torg: I am /Torg/ and I challenge you to a Street Kombat Dead-N-Mortal Hardcore Battle! - Writing surrounding panel #2: Top: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Right: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: (Same as "right" for Panel #1) --- Gwynn: Oh no. K'Z'K/The Bug: TORGY! It's been so long! How've ya been? - Writing surrounding panel #3: Top: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Right: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: (Same as "right" for Panel #2) --- Torg: *WOH-PAH!* <**WAP**> (Torg slams the Bug against the edge of the panel) - Writing surrounding panel #4: Top: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Right: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: (Same as "right" for Panel #3) --- Gwynn: He thinks he's playing one of those fighting games! Torg you IDIOT! K'Z'K (who is REALLY angry now): WHO do you THINK you ARE? - Writing surrounding panel #5: Top: (See "bottom" for Panels #1 and #2) Right: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- Game Voice: *BLOCK!* - Writing surrounding panel #6: Top: (See "bottom" for Panel #2) Right: (Same as "left" for Panel #7) Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: (Same as "right" for Panel #5) --- Game Voice: *QUADRUPLE KILLER COMBO!* Torg: AY-AY-AY-AY! - Writing surrounding panel #7: Top: (See "bottom" for Panels #3 and a little bit of #4) Right: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- K'Z'K: {uh-oh.} Game Voice: *COUNTER-THROW!* - Writing surrounding panel #8: Top: (See "bottom" for Panel #4) Right: (Same as "left" for Panel #9) Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: (Same as "right" for Panel #7) --- <***WHAM***> (Torg slams K'Z'K to the floor) - Writing surrounding panel #9: Top: (See "bottom" for Panel #4) Right: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- Game Voice: **NIFTY!** (Torg stands triumphal over the limp body of K'Z'K) - Writing surrounding panel #10: Top: (See "bottom" for Panels #5 and #6) Right: (Same as "left" for Panel #11) Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- Torg: Your fighting style smells of Gorgonzola! Now I go to battle She-Bot Scantily-X! - Writing surrounding panel #11: Top: (See "bottom" for Panels #6 and #7) Right: (Same as "left" for Panel #12) Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- <***POOF***> - Writing surrounding panel #12: Top: (See "bottom" for Panels #7 and #8) Right: (Same as "left" for Panel #13) Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- (Gwynn stands silently over the limp body of the Bug) - Writing surrounding panel #13: Top: (See "bottom" for Panels #8 and #9) Right: (Same as "left" for Panel #14) Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP --- Gwynn (thinking): I really don't know whether to thank Torg or be annoyed at him. - Writing surrounding panel #13: Top: (See "bottom" for Panel #9) Right-Bottom: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP Left: WAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAPWAP | Flag | ||||
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Video Game Character #1: Look at the time! Video Game Character #2: What am I? Superman? <**CRASH**> Zoë: If I don't get a great job or approved for some student loans, I'm not going to make another semester. Torg: I could use a job too. Being a freelance bum is challenging and all, but it's also high-stress. I need a new gig. Something more reserved. Ordered. Tranquil. -- Sasha: *Hey, guys!* Riff: So, want to be a guinea pig for my new and improved dimensional flux agitator? Torg: Bring it on! *BOOYA!* -- Zoë: Oh, no! Not that thing again. Riff: Torg, as you know, my dimensional flux agitator causes a rift in random reality paths allowing us to cross over to another dimension. -- Riff: But this time, you don't have to worry about getting stuck, since this remote will open a portal back! Sasha: I helped make it! <POING> -- Torg: You want to come too, Bun-Bun? Bun-Bun: The way /his/ inventions work? The safest place to be is on your shoulder, with that thing pointing at me. Torg: Suit yourself! -- Riff (handing the remote to Torg): Immediately upon arrival, use that remote to open a portal home. Once we know that works, you can have some fun. -- Gwynn: *Fun?* I think they're /*insane.*/ Shouldn't they do this from Riff's lab? Aylee's trying to run a business here! Zoë: Do you think it's going to work? -- <****ZAPPO!****> -- Kiki: *Neat!* Aylee: *What was that?* Gwynn: Were all three of them supposed to go? Zoë: I don't think so. Sasha: They'll open a portal home right away, so there is nothing to worry about. -- Caption: /Three hours later:/ Sasha: OK, now we can worry. Maybe Riff forgot the batteries for the remote. Zoë: Can you get them back, Sasha? Sasha: The remote is synchronized with the base unit, so if I move it to fiddle with it, they won't be able to use the remote at all. Then it would be up to me and I can't take that chance. We just have to wait. -- Caption: /Five hours later:/ Aylee: I don't know what to do! Half of me is consumed with worry over Torg and the others. -- Aylee: *THE OTHER HALF WANTS TO SAY FIVE HOURS IS WAY TOO LONG FOR YOUR BREAK, GWYNN!* Gwynn: I'll get right back to work, Attila. Zoë: I hope they didn't wind up in a Dimension of Pain again or something. -- Sign: Welcome to the Dimension of Pain Reakk: Hey guys! Look what I found! -- Reakk: **Spare change of evil!** Psyk: Searching under the cushions of the Sofa of Wickedness, weren't you. -- Zoë: So, anyway, never mind. Sasha: I still don't have a good feeling about this. | Flag | ||||
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Alt-Zoë (annoyed): You've been gone so long and you want to talk about supplies? -- (Alt-Zoë jumps onto Torg) <***TACKLE!***> -- Alt-Zoë (off panel; from the floor): *Oh no!* I forgot! Torg (off panel; also from the floor): Forgot what? -- Alt-Zoë (raising up; her hair a mess): Lady Gwynn of the Book! She's been stopping by each night to see if you had returned. Torg: Oh that's just *great!* That witch always shows up... -- Lady Gwynn {appearing}: ...*Just in time to stop your domestic abuse.* -- Torg: This is *not* domestic abuse! Lady Gwynn: Her hair looks abused! -- Alt-Zoë (grinning): It's only been teased a little. Torg: We have a doorbell for a reason! -- Lady Gwynn: Your doorbell is broken. Torg: *Also for a reason!* | Flag | ||||
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-- (Inside, Torg is looking down at the hole in the floor that Gwynn created the first time she was there) -- (Gwynn trying to tie her hair, still frizzed from the electric jolt, in the zombie bathroom with "ugh", and a zombie in a skirt, as the door label) -- <**Sproing!**> -- (Gywnn tries again, and succeeds in tying her hair back) -- Gwynn (to her own reflection in the mirror): Why did I come back here, Jane? -- Gwynn: What could I even say, if I ever see you again, that would give me closure? -- (Riff walks down creepy corridor with dripping water, closeup photos of zombie eyes hanging on the wall, and "CHUF" written in blood on the wall) <drip drip> -- (A vertical door opens) <**CHUF**> -- (Riff pushes the laser cannon against Torg's head) <*DOMPH!*> -- Riff: *Torg!* I thought you were a *zombie!* How did you get ahead of me? And is /that a secret door?/ -- Torg: A secret /*stairwell!*/ And at the bottom? The computer you seek! Riff: *You found it?!? Good job!* -- Torg: And put your weapon away. I already swept the computer room for zombie and we wouldn't want you damaging the terminal, would we? Riff: Makes sense. -- (Torg looks down after Riff, with a sudden evil smile on his face) | Flag | ||||
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(With a battle raging in the background, the Captain of the Guard takes a swipe at the more agile Maloufo who swipes his blade through the Captain's belly) -- Captain of the Guard: I cannot die like *this!* Not at the hands of a /camel-dung sweeping bard!/ -- Maloufo: Your words dishonor yourself for you have fallen by my hand, Captain of the Guard. -- Mohkadun Rebel: Your plan was perfect, Maloufo! The weakened guards are all defeated! -- Maloufo: Put out the granary fire. Now! Mohkadun Rebel: But Maloufo, we have the city on its /knees!/ Maloufo: We do not want to starve our brothers and sisters. We only seek the head of King Farahn. -- Panel Title: The Tower Uncle Tempest, God of Fate (aka Uncle Time): Here it is! *The fate web!* Gwynn/Queen Siphaniana: It's in the center of the tower? I thought it'd be at the top. -- Uncle Tempest: That gives a different view. Gwynn/Queen Siphaniana (looking down at the web): It's so small. Uncle Tempest: It gets bigger. -- (The web gets bigger) -- (The growth is reflected in Gwynn's iris) -- (An even closer close up of Gwynn's iris reflecting the growth of the web) === NOTE: Ref: _The Bard's Rebellion_ <> | _Captain of the Guard_ <>. | Flag | ||||
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Will (aka Wilcott Wilden; aka "Mr. Riff's Dad"): Queen Siphaniana, you are in the future, in the body of a woman named Gwynn! We are on the run from demonic forces, on a cargo freighter on the way to your home city of *Mohkadun*. We are traveling illegally and in secret. We are currently hiding in cargo containers while the ship is being inspected at our *last stop before our destination,* and if you make too much noise and the inspectors hear you, you will spend the rest of your days in an Algerian prison. Do you understand? Queen Siphaniana/Gwynn: Yes. Footnote: (*)Translated from Mohkadunese. -- Zoë: Wow, Wilcott Wilden, you make it sound almost un-fun. Will: Zoë, maybe you should have gone for the 'fun' cargo container when we made port. The one with my son Riff and your boyfriend, Torg. -- Zoë (holding up a picture of Bun-Bun): Don't forget the 'funnest' of them all, our violent morally challenged minilop rabbit Bun-Bun who Queen Siphaniana claims is the Mohkadun God of Power 'Lord Sluggy'. Here's a picture of him that you can't see in the dark anyway. -- Queen Siphaniana/Gwynn: Wow did I pick a bad time to nap. Is this what they call in your language... /"recapping?"/ Will: Pretttttty much. Shall I continue? Zoë: Wow, this /*is*/ the un-fun container! -- Caption: *MEANWHILE IN THE 'FUN' CONTAINER...* Torg (pounding on the door of the container): Riff went potty in here! *I can't /breathe!/ Let me out! /Let me out!/* <***Pound! Pound!***> <***Pound! Pound!***> === NOTE: Instead of trying to Ref-link everything in panel 1, I'll just say we'll get to the follow up to _this comic_ <> in the next two comics. And I'll note there seems to be _serious bathroom issues_ <> going on aboard this ship! Oh and passing a note along from _Grammar Gorilla_ <>: /"Grammar gorilla hate word 'funnest'! Make me mad irregardless of you opinion!" | Flag | ||||
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-- Torg: Your phone's on fire and /dripping battery acid!/ It's *melting through the floor!* <SSSS> -- Torg: *I've lost the breaks [sic: should be "brakes"]!* | *And steering! It's burned through all the lines!* -- (The car heads straight for a pine tree) -- Torg (panicked; holding his arms up to protect his upper body): **Gwynn! Magic-/Magic-/MAGIC!*** Gwynn: No. -- <***CRASH!***> <*AIRBAG* **fwump**> -- Torg: Ouch. <pain star> Gwynn: Proved my point. | Flag | ||||
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-- Sasha: Good, you're awake, Gwynn! Sorry I had to do all this, but your magic can be unpredictable, and we need to talk. Agent Rontime (still fuzzy): Are you sure she can't do magic with her hands tied and mouth gagged? -- Sasha: No, but none of us are stupid! If her eyes start to get glowy and her hair gets floaty then our trigger-fingers get itchy. And nobody wants to clean up a mess we don't need to! -- Agent Rontime: I thought we're in the bathroom to make the mess easier to clean up! Besides, we're in a hotel! The maid can clean it up! Sasha (annoyed): We'd have to leave a hell of a tip. -- Sasha: In case you're curious, Gwynn, we're in a hotel room not too far from the home of Miss La'Mort whom you were spying on. Sasha: Dr. Chen said someone like you might show up there. He says hi, by the way. -- Gwynn (gagged): GRRRrr -- Agent Rontime: This 'Cappy Bo' plant is interesting. We should get a sample back for Dr. Daiyu to study! Gwynn (still gagged, but nodding): Mmm Hmmm! <***Nod!***> === NOTE: Ref: _Chen mentions La'Mort_ <>. | Flag | ||||
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Gwynn (grinning broadly): I thought I'd check out /*these*/ facilities out in the woods! -- Zoe: Well, the floors are unswept. No sink. No soap. And Torg may have contracted the bubonic plague from some fleas. Torg: I have buboes. Gwynn (earnestly): /The women's restroom was worse!/ -- Riff: After sampling primitive anima culture bathroom-options through the various time periods I would have thought... Gwynn (pleading): /*The women's restroom was worse!*/ -- Riff: This really belongs to the /'I don't want to know'/ department. If everyone's done here, we better get a-move on if we want to make our destination by nightfall! -- Panel caption: MANY HOURS LATER... (The Ewe Hawl van drives by a sign for the Equinox Casino) Sign: Equino[obscured] | CAS[obscured] | Equal parts of[obscured] | SMILES[obscured] Sign on top of sign: CLOSED! | BE BACK | SOON! -- (The gang arrives at the Equinox, which looks a bit cracked and neglected...) === NOTE: Refs: _Equinox Casino_ <> | _"Closed! Be back Soon!" messaging_ <>. | Flag | ||||
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-- </Flashback> Torg: Are you sure Aylee's still alive? Riff: I've detected both energy and biochemical reactions. Faint, but she's still there. Torg: You have a biochemical reaction detector? Riff: No that's just one of the good side effects of my auto-bread-butterer. Auto-bread-butterer: Torg thinks yer full of it! Riff: It also only speaks truth! </End flashback> -- Torg (walking past a picture of Bun-Bun): I've got a lot to do this year. -- (Torg looks at his flannel and his hero shirt laid out on the bed) -- (Torg comes downstairs in his hero shirt; he stops in shock) -- Kiki: Umf... Shurpris? (Kiki has a string of fairy lights in her mouth, which are labeled "Kiki! Do _not_ bite lights!"; green light is emanating from both of her ears) -- Riff, Gwynn and Zoë: *SURPRISE!!! Merry Christmas!* (Riff is in the middle of wrapping Torg's present; Gwynn is wearing reindeer antlers and is helping herself to the punch; Zoë is just bringing out a batch of cookies, fresh from the oven) -- Torg: *Wait!* I wasn't sure what was going on this year but I got you all... --- (He runs back upstairs...) - <*STEP STEP STEP *ert.* *SLAM!* STEP STEP STEP STEP*> - (...and back down, without the hero shirt, carrying presents) Torg: *Merry Christmas!* --- Torg and Riff (exchanging gifts): A beer every year! -- <*RIP*> <*tear*> <*POP*> <*chugh*> <**GLUG**> <BELCH> -- Riff: Aw, man! That tastes terrible! /"Pale Mallowale"?/ -- Riff (reading): "A holiday beer brewed with real marshmallows"? Zoë (looking puzzled at her present): Exfoliating bath brine/pickling marinade? Gwynn: Coconut-stanky face goop? Kiki (looking at a box labeled "Holy Frejole | Pickled Feet Sticks"): *?* Torg: I had to shop last minute and I had a coupon for "There's-a-reason-it'" -- Zoë (hugging Torg): We're just happy to have you back, Torg! That's the best gift of all! Kiki: **God blesh ush efryone!** Gwynn (angrily): **Coconut stanky face goop!?!** | Flag | ||||
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Caption: "It started the morning of Thanksgiving, 2004..." Riff (smiling): Hey guys! Look who I tracked down and rescued! (Octopus Torg says something in a hieroglyph or symbol (maybe "Can I use your bathroom?")) (Zoë and Gwynn are in shock) -- Riff: You guys still remember Torg, right? Zoë: That's not Torg, Riff! Gwynn (her arms folded): Riff you have to stop beating yourself up over it and accept that Torg is gone! -- Riff (angrily): *This is Torg! So his sound is a little off! So what?* -- Riff: Torg, this has less to do with you and more to do with their fear of your lack of pants. (Octopus Torg says something else, illustrated by the mirror image of the earlier symbol or hieroglyph) Gwynn (pointing finger): From now on no playing with dimensional fluxes until you can pass a breathalyzer! </Pause flashback> | Flag | ||||
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<sss> -- Lord Horribus (grabbing his stomach): *Woah..* /Ughhhh.../ <rumble> <rumble> -- Gwynn: Who was that? Bun-Bun: Some demon trying to stiff us on the cover. Gwynn: He's our *star attraction,* Bun-Bun! Let him in! -- <***CRASH!***> Lord Horribus (crashing through door): ***RAAAAAAARGH!*** <**WHOOSH!***> -- Gwynn: *At last!* I only wish I could see the crowd's reaction to him! Bun-Bun (in awe): They're all wondering what just streaked by them and dove into the bathroom. | Flag |
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